Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2011

Eden Eternal (New MMORPG)

Last week I found this little gem and I was one of the lucky people who got to participate in the Closed Beta, which ended a few days ago. Now I'm bored while waiting for the Open Beta so I can kill some time by writing a Review about this game.

This game as a childish anime/comic cutesy look and I'd like to say that I personally do not like games with graphics like that, but I can live with that, because the game has a very unique speciality..
(Also it looks kinda nice when you get used to it)

I have played more than 100 MMOs to this date and noticed how almost every MMORPG was the same, just with different names, so when I play a MMORPG now I only play those with special and unique features. And this game definitely has that.
Instead of choosing a single class and play that one, you can actually change your classes during the game all the time!
This does not work in combat and  has a short cooldown, though.
More to that later, but first I'd like to tell you about the game in general:

 Main Quest
Nothing really unique here, you have the typical main story quests that give you awesome rewards but are only playable once.

Aside from that there are also repeatable Quests on every map, which you should complete when you have the chance to, because you can not obtain these Quests once your level is too high.
Why would I bother doing that, you ask?
Because you get Fame for completed Quests, which is used to unlock unique items in the so called Fame Chest. You only get fame for the map you are currently on when completing Quests there and every town has a different Fame Chest, so check them all out!

On every map you can buy 2 books and by clicking them in your inventory you start a short quest chain. This usually consists of 3 or 4 quests and after you complete it the book disappears and some books give you a title for this.
(Scroll down for more details on Titles)

Guild Quest
Once you create or join a guild you can buy these in a city called "Aven". Yes, you BUY them. This may sound ridiculous, but don't you worry; the reward for completing such a quest is more than twice the amount that you paid to get it and some guild fame, which is needed to level up the guild.

Town Quest
Can't tell you much about those, because I never had these. They can only be acquired when your Guild owns a Town, as far as I know. I heard they give even more Guild Fame than regular Guild Quests, but other than that I don't know anything.

Quests can be stacked, meaning if you have to kill a monster for 3 different Quests, a kill counts for all of them. Of course you can speed this up in a party, as kills count for everyone and quest items are picked up by everyone aswell!

As I already mentioned you need Guild Fame in order to level up your Guild and once it reaches lvl 3, you can create your very own Guild Town!
You can then build structures and hire NPCs to work for you and sell or craft things. Depending on the tax you set your guild will get money form players that use these NPCs.
Other than that there is nothing special about Guilds in this game.

Every map has 1 or 2 dungeons which can be entered by either 3 or 5 people at max, depending on the dungeon.
Do not even bother trying to solo those dungeons as you will fail horribly unless you have a much higher level.
The monsters here are especially strong and there are usually several boss monsters at specific locations in the dungeon. After beating those a soul guid appears and you can talk to him to leave the dungeon instantly instead of running back all the way.

Now this is the main part of the game as you have the ability to switch between classes as needed.
I love this feature! Not only will you get to know other classes, but you may find one or another class pretty cool even though you wouldn't have touched that class in other MMORPGs.
But that's not all!
By leveling different classes you get Class Expertise experience which levels up at certain amounts. This will give you additional HP, MP, ATK and M-ATK points on EVERY class! How awesome is that?
Aside from "normal" levels, you can also gain class levels, which unlocks skills for that class and also certificates.

There are 2 kinds of skills:

1.Regular Skills
These are Skills affected by your character level. You can level them up by paying money (this gets more expensive with every level and in the end it ends up in ridiculous prices!) and they can only be as high as your current character level. Also regular skills are shared among the same group of classes (There are 3 classes in 5 different categories).

2.Class Skills
These are affected by CP (Character Points) gained by fighting while using this class. Each level requires more CP, of course. These skills can only be used by the current class and are not shared with any other class!

Aside form that you get 1 Knowledge Point to spend every time your class levels up. You can use these to level up passive skills that increase things like defense, crit rate, damage with specific weapons, skills duration/effect, etc. depending on the class. You can not spend KP that you gained from one class on another class.

When reaching a certain level with a class you unlock certificates that grant you a Bonus and these certificates can be used by ANY class (yes, it's also used by multiple classes). Not only that, but when combining specific certificates you can unlock an additional bonus which depends on the color (every class category has one), effect (HP+ 5% etc.) and amount of certificates.

Different levels for different classes.
Unlocking and using them has no effect on the game, it only changes your appearance (some outfits more, some less).
Every outfit can be dyed on 3 parts and you can also dye the helmet/hat.

The classes
(To learn more visit the official website)
Eden Eternal has 15 classes so far, but currently you are not able to unlock all of them: 

  • Defense Class/Tank
  1. Warrior
  2. Knight
  3. Templar
  • Melee Damage/DPS
  1. Thief
  2. Martial Artist
  3. Blade Dancer
  • Ranged Damage/DPS
  1. Hunter
  2. Engineer
  3. Ranger
  • Healing
  1. Cleric
  2. Bard
  3. Shaman
  • Magic Damage
  1. Magician
  2. Illusionist
  3. Warlock
      Upgrades and Crafting
      You can upgrade your equipment by using scrolls and paying money. Weapons have a 100% success rate till +4 and Equipment till +5. If it fails, your equipment piece is destroyed and gone forever. You can prevent this by using Safety Stones, which can be bought with real money.

      I never tried the crafting, but from what I have heard people say it's a waste of time and money, because you have to pay money for the ingredients, for assigning the craft and for the crafting itself, or something like that. Basically you have to pay 3 or 4 times and not just a bit money, but lots of it.
      The good thing about crafting is that orange items will not use durability and therefore you don't have to pay to repair them.
      You should only do this on very high levels because you will use the equipment for some time then. But collecting equipment from monsters works aswell.

      Titles are rewarded for completing specific sotry or book quests and grant you an additional bonus. This may increase one of your stats (Strength, Agility, Wisdom, Intelligence, Luck) or give you additional MP (but personally I think it's not worth using since the bonus is close to nothing.)
      New titles give a higher boost and you can only use 1 title at a time.

      That's it.
      Alright so form what I have experienced in the CB this game is pretty cool and unique and it's easy to make new friends.
      If you want to try out the game, go to the official website:

      You can meet me ingame by whispering my character "Shinyo" (to whisper use /t Shinyo Text)

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