Mittwoch, 8. Juni 2011

Badass of the week

Today I would like to show you guys a fun website called "Badass of the week".
As the name implies there will be a new badass every week and the guy owning the website will write "an essay" about it.
Now this probably sounds boring, but it's actually pretty funny, because you will find gems like this:

When he conquered the Ottoman Empire, he thought that the Byzantine gates to the capital city were so cool that he ripped them out of the wall and had them installed in his own capital. Not only that, but he also captured the Ottoman Sultan and his wives, kept the Sultan in a cage in his parlor and had his wives get naked and serve everyone food and drinks. So when his friends would come over he'd be like, "dude, check out these kickass gates, my badass pinball machine and a cage containing the Ottoman Sultan."


One time, he led his army into India, kicked the asses of the Indian army and captured the capital of Delhi for no reason at all.

(Both exampels are taken from the Tamerlane article.)

Sometimes it's not just a single person, but a group, or a virus. Not all badasses are real, but some of them are fictional (like the Archangel Michael or Poseidon).
Anyway the articles are informative and funny, how could you NOT like this?
The first article I read was about Nikola Tesla, which I found pretty interesting (and funny, of course) so I read some more and maybe you want to start out with him aswell:

if not, just cut the "/tesla.html" out.

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